I’m a literary lion! I’m a literary lion! Really! And how cool is that?
You: “I don’t know, Christina, how cool is it?”
I’m honored to be one of the authors featured at the 2025 Literary Lions Gala hosted by the King County Library Foundation in Bellevue Washington! (Although I know the actual honor goes to Rosie.)
I got this from KCLF via my publisher, Kensington Books:
Dear Christina,
On behalf of the King County Library System Foundation,Ā I amĀ delighted toĀ share that youĀ have beenĀ selected as one of our 2025 Literary Lions! This year we broke our record for nominations with over 200 nominations made by King County Library System staff, KCLS Foundation staff, board, volunteers, and community membersā¦
When: Saturday, March 15,Ā 2024,āÆ5pm-8pm
What: Join us for a festive evening of live music, mingling with 20 Literary Lions, Makerspace activities, signature cocktails and mocktails, hearty hors d’oeuvres, and much more. Books from all authors will be available for purchase at the event organized by Third Place Books.
Of course I’m delighted to autograph your purchases.
Where: Bellevue Library located at 1111Ā 110th Ave. NE Bellevue, WA.
Who: 300+ library supporters, book lovers, authors, corporate sponsors, and community members.
Why:Ā ThisĀ is anĀ opportunity toĀ beĀ recognizedĀ (leading up to and during the event)Ā for your literary contributions while supporting the important work that libraries do.
For more details, visit the event website HERE.
This is a library fundraiser, and the price made my trainer say, “Do you get a pony with each ticket?!?” I admit I blinked, too. Happily, there’s all kinds of good news. The Literary Lion event takes place the very week my new suspense, GIRL ANONYMOUS, is published. Here’s a list of the GIRL ANONYMOUS live autographings in Seattle and Scottsdale AZ. I’d love to meet you there!
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Books by SeriesĀ with covers and links.