Witty and Romantic

Summer 2024 Reading Recommendations

on July 17, 2024

Get out your wallet! It’s time for Summer Reading Recommendations with New York Times bestseller Jayne Ann Krentz, bookseller and reviewer John Charles, and Christina Dodd. You can watch on Jayne’s Facebook page, and here are the URLs for your book buying pleasure. Jayne’s recommendations Play the Fool by Lena Chern Solving a murder while… Read More

The Husband Builds a Greenhouse, or How to Grow a $730 Tomato

on April 27, 2021

Our new greenhouse is built and operational! I know what you’re thinking: Wow, The Husband got busy early this year! Yes, well, he knows how dedicated I am to my garden and he likes me to be happy. Also, I’m a nag. The truth is, we’ve been discussing a greenhouse for years. Our main goal in… Read More

How Many Of My Characters Have Traits Or Personalities Of Real People I Know

on January 12, 2021

On Facebook, a question was posed to me: How many of your characters have traits or personalities of “real” people you know? Let me take the long way around to answer that question. Often at autographings, after I’ve thanked a reader for coming to the bookstore to meet me, shaken her hand, signed her books,… Read More

The Husband’s Stone Walkway

on September 23, 2020

This summer I’m pleased to announce The Husband did not construct a miniature Taj Mahal in our backyard. What he did (and is still doing) was rebuild the walk between the house and the stone circle to be forever free of weeds. (I can hear you chuckling, but that is our hope!) It’s an amazing… Read More

The Loss of a Hero

on June 6, 2020

On June 5 at 4am, my 96-year-old father-in-law died of natural causes. What to tell you about Tom? He was eccentric, funny, opinionated (but that was okay because we usually agreed), outspoken and intelligent. He didn’t suffer fools gladly. Because he grew up in a small Idaho mountain town during the Great Depression, he was… Read More

Christina Dodd Discusses Masherbumbles, Fiskpopers, and Listening

on October 14, 2019

When people discover I’m a writer, there are a lot of reactions: Have I read you? Should I know you? And— Are you going to make me a character in your book?  The answer: No. I know somewhere in this world exists that person who is interesting enough to be a fictional character, but I’ve… Read More

Name the Dog!

on January 14, 2018

Rae ran into the kitchen yelling, “Grandma! We got a dog!” Verona turned away from the accounts spread across the table. “Well, let me see it… My God, what’s that?” She pulled off her reading glasses and stared as the fifty pounds of red muscled beast bounded in, tail wagging, and explored her kitchen. Rae… Read More

Christina Dodd says, “READ YOUR WAY TO HEALTH!”

on December 27, 2017

— According to a study cited by Dr. Joyce Brothers, women who read romance novels make love seventy-four percent more often than women who don’t read romance novels. — According to special research from the British Medical Journal, the more orgasms you have, the longer you’re likely to live. Recently I got one of those… Read More


on December 27, 2016

The current bane of my existence is … Drum roll, please! Naming characters. Sure, you’ve done it. You named your kids or your pets. You know how important this is. You worry about it, argue about it and finally come up with the perfect name. But to date I’ve written 60 published books (FORGET WHAT YOU KNOW… Read More

Christina Dodd’s Stone Circle Rocks

on June 15, 2016

If you’re a newsletter friend or regularly visit my website or follow me on social media, you know that The Husband built me … er, us a stone circle. Every year on the summer solstice we go out and watch the sunrise. The temperature is cool, so The Husband builds a roaring fire (actually, he… Read More